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American poet Ezra Pound (1885 1972) was among the most influential literary figures of the twentieth century. As a poet, he founded the Imagist movement (c. 1909 17), which advocated the use of precise, concrete images in a free-verse setting. As an editor, he fostered the careers of William Butler Yeats, T. S. Eliot, and Robert Frost. As a force in the literary world, he championed James Joyce and Wyndham Lewis. Pound also helped to create a modern movement in poetry in which, in T. S. Eliot's words, "English and American poets collaborated, knew each other's works, and influenced each other."Long an expatriate, Pound's questionable political activities during World War II distracted many from the value of his literary work. Nevertheless, his status as a major American poet has never been in doubt, as this choice collection offifty-seven early poems amply proves. Here are poems including a number not found in other anthologies from "Personae" (1909), "Exultations" (1909), "Ripostes" (1912), and "Cathay" (1915) as well as selections from his major sequence "Hugh Selwyn Mauberley" (1920).", New compilation of 70 early poems from the founder of the Imagist movement and one of America's most influential and controversial poets. Among them are poems from Personae (1909), Exultations (1909) and Ripostes (1912), including a number not found in other anthologies; "Cathay" from Lustra (1916); and selections from the major poem, Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920)., Seventy early poems from the founder of the Imagist movement and one of America's most influential and controversial poets include verses from Personae (1909), Exultations (1909), and Ripostes (1912) many of them unavailable in other anthologies. Additional selections include "Cathay" from Lustra (1916) and excepts from "Hugh Selwyn Mauberley" (1920).

Ezra Pound - Dover Thrift Editions: Early Poems read ebook PDF, DJV, FB2

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